Productivity and Podcasts
You can be obsessed with podcasts. You can listen to them every day, while you’re driving, while you shower, while you run. But that might not be a good idea. There’s a limit to how much information your brain can take in and a much lower limit of how much of that information you can apply to your life——can actually remember and use. So this post is about why I quit podcasts. Not forever, and I might listen to an episode of Hello Internet every now and then, but the obsessive, mega-consumption of podcasts that was my life for the past few months is over. I decided that I’ve learned the most important things that podcasts could teach me, and now it’s time to apply what I’ve learned instead of trying to learn more. The lesson is simple: Don’t wait. Don’t waste your time. Instead, do. Chase Jarvis says it best in his video “Stop Planning. Start Doing.” The entire message of the video, the message that I kept hearing, over and over, from everyone from Tony Robins to Neil Gaiman,...