
Showing posts from August, 2017

How Routines and Checklists Can Power Your Life

(Quotes throughout are taken from this amazing article by Maria Popova.) “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” I read this and started to think about balance. What’s the right balance between productivity/routine and presence/spontaneity? In defense of routines: “London maintained that every writer needed a technique, experience, and a philosophical position.” Lots of writers had/have routines. They are generally a very obsessive and superstitious bunch. (“I never think about the actual process of writing. I suppose I have  superstition bout examining it too closely.” - Anne Tyler) I’m not necessarily a writer, but I am a college student, and the same things can be said of me as of many writers. The seclusion. The writer’s block. The seeming futility of the work. The routines in my life help me to overlook and overcome the dread of starting another day that is mostly like the last one and mostly filled with things I don’t feel like doing. Getting...