
Showing posts from January, 2017

5 Simple Ways to Set Up For Success

I do five things that keep me ahead of my schedule and workload, both in school and at work (but the way I’ve written about them here they mostly apply to school). They keep my head clear and my hands ready to work. They remove anxiety and don’t give me reason to cram for anything. They are why I'm an A-student. And they can be your reasons too. A small warning: All five of these have become habits for me, and that is really important to realize. You have to make them habits for you too, or you will not get the benefit that I have out of them. The idea is to make these such a part of your life that you don't think about them at all. This will give you the head-space to focus on the actual working and studying. 1 - Think and do ahead Basically, I’m always thinking about what I’m going to do next. My to-do list has EVERYTHING on it except "eat breakfast", including floss teeth, submit programing assignment and ask my sister about her learning style. I neve...